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Homework is valuable:

A Guide to Time Allocation
To assist parents in their expectations of the amount of homework set each week for each year level, the teachers have drawn up a rough guide. Please allow for flexibility in this and try not to create anxiety or stress for your child. If you have any concerns or queries, please don't hesitate to contact the school. This is only a guide and commitments may differ from week to week.

Homework Time Expectations

Year 7: 120 minutes per week

Year 6: 90-120 minutes per week

Year 5: 70-90 minutes per week

Year 4: 50-70 minutes per week

Year 3: 30-50 minutes per week

Year 2: 0-30 minutes/week

Reception & Year 1: none

It is very helpful if children spend some time reading and/or being read to, particularly with younger children. At times, if no formal homework is set, students may have other work to prepare or continue on with. (This may include completion of work not done in class time or contracts and projects that have specified time lines.)

Reading Policy
It is expected that all R-3 classes will take home a book to read as part of homework. We ask that parents listen to their children read for 10-15 minutes each week night (except Friday and record/sign in the reading folder.) More information and suggestions to help with reading can be found in the "Helping Children with Reading" pamphlet available in the Parent Information package, or from the school office.